
Louisiana Planting Group

Owner: Administrator

Group members: 6


Group with suggested vegetable planting dates and actual planting dates. This group is not restricted to just technical data although we hope to add a lot of it. It is meant to be much like your cyber garden shed, a place where you can pick up info you may need in the course of your Louisiana garden planting. We rely heavily on the excellent Louisiana Planting Guide, put out by the LSU Ag Center. I have tried to place most of the planting dates recommended by the guide on our group calendar. While there is no substitute for the 8 page guide which is both in the file box in this group and available here if you prefer, you might find it handy to just x the box beside items you want to add to your personal garden event calendar.

Brief description: Planting dates and other info. Your digital garden shed where you can also talk with your fellow gardeners.