Ron Tucker- Container Garden Baton Rouge Louisiana Zone 9b
September 30, 2020
Planted in Container
Leda Radishes - 6 hills
September 29, 2020
Turnips - 3 containers
September 26, 2020
First Fruit
two small eggplants noted
September 23, 2020
Seed started
​Purple Top Turnips - 15 separate holes in 3 five gallon fabric pots with multiple seeds per. Used about half old potting soil, about a quarter cow manure compost and about a quarter new container bagged potting mix. Added about 4 tblsps of 13-13-13...watered down
September 21, 2020
Albino beets, Amarillo carrots and Crimson Giant radishes all germinated
September 20, 2020
Bibb Lettuce germinated
September 19, 2020
Cool Snap started - night time temps down to high 60s
September 16, 2020
Seed started
Golden Beets - 21 total in one 12 cell egg carton and one bakery flat
Unknown Beet - 18 in egg carton
Pearl Carrots - 24 in two 12 cell egg cartons
Bibb Lettuce - 2 five gallon containers sown
September 14, 2020
germination of Radishes - French Breakfast -
Thinned out French Breakfast Radishes and made another carton making 48.
September 12, 2020
Seed started Radishes - French Breakfast two 18 container egg cartons using seed starter and new potting mix
Seed started Carrots - Finger one 12 cell egg carton using seed starter and new potting soil
Seed started Radishes - Crimson Giant - one 12 cell egg carton using seed starter and new potting soil
May 26, 2020
Fierce rain storm and wind
May 26, 2020
Three full sized okra blossoms
May 25, 2020
Picked one Better Boy deformed tomato turning
May 23, 2020
Cucumbers germinating from May 21
May 22, 2020
Threw away 6 BER tomatoes
May 21, 2020
Seed started two kinds of cucumbers
May 20, 2020
Gathered three cucumbers
May 17, 2020
Japanese eggplants germinating
May 17, 2020
Fertilized all with 18-18-21. May 15, 2020
May 14, 2020 -
May 13, 2020 -
Fertilized all Container plants with 18-18-21. Added 'Rot Stop' to tomatoes. The 18-18-21 water soluble is a Miracle Gro product labeled as tomato food. Used it instead of the Expert Gardener all.purpose 24-16-8. Just 7 days prior I side dressed all tomatoes with some 13-13-13 and bonemeal. Hope I haven't overdone it
May 13th, 2020 -
Seed started Japenese white eggplant and Louisiana Long Green Eggplant in egg cartons in Jiffy seed starting mix.
May 9, 2020 - Tomato overview
I have heavy fruiting, especially on Better Boys. The largest so far are about the size of a medium gangerine. There are numerous blemishes and some Mallory fruit where the fruit to rubber against the stakes.
There are numerous Florida Solar blossoms and some small F!orida Solar fruiting. No Rutgers have bloomed yet. The Better Bushes have a few blooms but very disappointing.. The Aces 55 has some blooms and a couple fruits.
I fertilized with 13-13-13 and bonemeal on May 7. It did 2to 3 this is of a mix per container side dressed and washed in.
April 18, 2020 - Tomato overview
Buds on 13 tomato plants.....7 Better Boys and remainder Florida Solars.
7 Better Boys have blossoms.
April 16, 2020 - The night of April 14, all day and night and until April 15, cooler temps ranging from 40 to 70 with strong winds from 11mph to 18 mph.
Covered a few on the 14th and lots of wind burn on those left uncovered. Covered much more on April 15. Used gallon jugs, cat litter bottles, and 33 gallon trash bags.
April 6, 2020 - First Bloom's in Better Boys. On four plants with numerous bud clusters
April 4, 2020 -
Fertilized seedlings and non tomatoes with all purpose water soluble 24-8-16.
Fertilized tomatoes that were transplanted with 18-18-21.
Next batch will do 24-8-16
March 24, 2020 -
Up potted about 8 Rutgers and about 4 Celebration tomatoes.
Had to mix compost, raised bed soil and a tad potting soil. Concerned that it may kill them. Also watered down with a weak 24-8-16 water soluble.