Top of the Crops - America's top 100 favorite veggies to grow in the home garden

Top of the Crops - America's top 100 favorite veggies to grow in the home garden

Owner: Administrator

Group members: 4


Utilizing the Group Pages Function this will be where we create a small humble database of the top 100 favorite home garden crops/varieties. Now, how we arrive at the top 100 is going to be a little iffy. There are no definitive lists of the top 100 veggies to grow in your garden. Additionally how do we determine how much space to give to the different categories....tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Yeah I don't know yet. I am going to start with the consensus single most popular type of garden vegetable in the USA, the tomato. I will list the 18 most popular varieties as determined by the folks at Tomatodirt. We have to start somewhere.

I will suggest a datasheet format and we can always agree to change it. 

I encourage (implore, beg) users to help populate this section. 

Here is the format I recommend.

  • Variety
  • Features
  • Maturity
  • Light
  • Soil and Water
  • Spacing
  • Height
  • Spread
  • Planting recommendations
  • Garden Use
  • Growing Tips
  • Culinary Use
  • Expected yield
  • Vendors Online

A photo can be borrowed from anywhere but if you use one of your own then take a bow and give yourself credit in the caption (description) .

Here, according to the National Gardening Association these are the top ten most common grown vegetable in American home gardens.

  1. Tomatoes - grown by 91%
  2. Cucumbers - grown by 47%
  3. Sweet Peppers - grown by 46%
  4. Green Beans - 39%
  5. Carrots - 34%
  6. Onions 32%
  7. Summer Squash - 32%
  8. Hot Peppers - 31%
  9. Lettuce - 28%
  10. Peas - 24%




Brief description: A User Group developing and hosting home garden crop database