
USDA Hardiness Zone: 9b
Type of garden such as in ground, container, raised bed, urban, patio, hydroponic etc.:
Location - City/State: Baton Rouge, LA
Tell us more about you.:

I don't expect to save money by gardening but I would like to work towards breaking even one day. That is I would like to save on my food budget about what I spent on gardening. 

if you have a crop specialty, a favorite crop to grow then what is it?:

Okra I suppose. It gets so tall, makes a beautiful flower (which dies in about 12 hours...tragi romantic) and it is so prolific. Next it's a tie between cucumbers and tomatoes. Tomatoes are wonderful for sandwiches and so colorful but cucumbers posses a will to live and produce that captures my heart. 

Group membership

    • Northern Mississippi Gardeners

      Northern Mississippi Gardeners

      Parent group for northern Mississippi gardeners
    • Breakeven Gardeners

      Breakeven Gardeners

      A group devoted to furthering the concept of 'breakeven' gardening, a concept in which very small scale home gardeners can lower their cost and increase their yield to a point approaching, equaling or possibly even bettering the total that their gardening expenses could buy at the supermarket.
    • Zone 3 Growers' Group

      Zone 3 Growers' Group

      Zone 3 Growers Group

    The Wire

      No wire posts yet
