Bell Peppers (seeds), first date to plant for spring and planting range. in the group Louisiana Planting Group
First date to plant bell pepper seeds for spring. Use this date for south Louisiana, add 2 weeks for central Louisiana and add 4 weeks for north Louisiana. 1/16 ounce of seeds per 100' of row, 1/8 inch deep. Expect first harvest 140-150 days laterTags: Bell peppers
Bell pepper (seeds), Last day to plant for spring in the group Louisiana Planting Group
Last day to plant bell pepper seeds for spring. 1/16 ounce of seeds per 100' of row, 1/8 inch deep. Expect first harvest 140-150 days laterTags: Bell peppers
Bell pepper (seeds), First day to plant for fall and planting range in the group Louisiana Planting Group
First day to plant Bell pepper seeds for the fall and the planting date range. Unsure if these dates are for north, central and south Louisiana. 1/16 ounce of seeds per 100' of roww, 1/8 inch deep. Expect first harvest 140-150 daysTags: Bell peppers
Tags: Bell peppers
Tags: Better Bush, Better Boys, Cucumbers, Bell peppers
Bell pepper (seeds), LAst day to plant for fall in the group Louisiana Planting Group
Last day to plant bell pepper seeds for fall. 1/16 ounce of seeds per 100' of roww, 1/8 inch deep. Expect first harvest 140-150 daysTags: bell peppers
Bell Pepper (plants), first day to plant for springand planting date range. in the group Louisiana Planting Group
First date to plant Bell pepper plants for spring and planting date range. Use this date in south Louisiana, add 2 weeks for central Louisiana and 4 weeks for north Louisiana. 66-80 plants per 100' of rows, 15-18 inches apart and expect harvest 70-80 daysTags: bell peppers
Bell pepper (plants), last day to plant for spring in the group Louisiana Planting Group
Last day to plant Bell Peppers Plants for spring. 66-80 plants per 100' of rows, 15-18 inches apart and expect harvest 70-80 daysTags: bell peppers
Last updated
Bell pepper (plants), first date to plant for fall and date planting range. in the group Louisiana Planting Group
First date to plant Bell Pepper Plants for fall and date planting range. 66-80 plants per 100' of rows, 15-18 inches apart and expect harvest 70-80 daysTags: bell peppers
Bell peppers (plants), last day to plant for fall in the group Louisiana Planting Group
Last day to plant Bell Pepper Plants for fall. 66-80 plants per 100' of rows, 15-18 inches apart and expect harvest 70-80 daysTags: bell peppers
Seed started bell peppers, tomatoes and cauliflower
used 18,12,12,12,12,12 egg carton cells and coconut coir. No fertilizer, going to wait and see if it germinates better without fertilizer. Tomatoes from MIGARDENER, bell peppers from last year from Texas, cauliflower from commercial packet from neighbor...will plant more cauliflower first of F...Tags: bell peppers, cauliflower
Last updated
Started tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers in cold frame
started 120 cells of Big Boy tomatoes, 120 cells of cherry tomatoes (Tommy Toes from Edgar's momma's stock). started 72 cells of Paloma eggplants started 120 cells of hybrid bell peppers, don't know the variety but they turn red quicker than most Used regular potting soil for...Tags: Big boy tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, Georgia
Tags: bell peppers
Tags: bell peppers
Tags: Bell Peppers, Cauliflower, Ace 55 Tomatoes
Last updated
Up potted 6 Better Boy Tomatoes and 2 Bell peppers
Up potted six very thin seedlings (Better Boys) Used only potting mix no coir. Up potted 2 barely two inch high bell peppers used only potting mix, no coir carton of 18 Better Boys depleted, only 6 made it to up pot.Tags: Better Boys, Bell Peppers, up pot