4 results for "Better Boy"


    • Administrator

      Planted 12 Better Boy Hybrids

      Planted 12 cells of Better Boy Hybrid seeds from Park Seed. Planted 20 seeds.  Planted in Coconut Coir wih very light douse of Miracle Gro

      Tags: Better Boy, tomatoes

      Last updated

      • Administrator

        First Marketmore cucumbers coming up

        6 of 12 Marketmore's coming up after 4 days No sign of either Better Bush or Better Boys. One bell pepper and it doesn't seem healthy. Extending Pepper 'D-Day' by a week to end of the month, Ace 55's (8 of 18) up about 2 to 2.5 inches. A few with true leaves starting....

        Tags: cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, Better Boy, Better Bush, Ace 55

        Last updated

        • Administrator

          Update on planting of 01/17/20

          Six days ago I planted 12 cells of cucumbers, 18 cells of Better Bush tomatoes, 12 cells of Better Boy tomatoes. Multiples in 7 cells of marketmore cucumbers are already about 2 inches high. Multiples in about 7 cells of Better Boy are poking through with some as high as an inch. Multipl...

          Tags: cucumers, Better Bush, Better Boy


          • Administrator

            Transplanted Better Boys

            Transplanted 2 Better Boys joined in football to Container 20, a 7 gallon container filled with half old soil and half compost

            Tags: Better Boy
