3 results for "Cherry Tomatoes"


    • Redclay

      Started tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers in cold frame

      started 120 cells of Big Boy tomatoes, 120 cells of cherry tomatoes (Tommy Toes from Edgar's momma's stock). started 72 cells of Paloma eggplants started 120 cells of hybrid bell peppers, don't know the variety but they turn red quicker than most Used regular potting soil for...

      Tags: Big boy tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, Georgia


      • Redclay

        Started Big Boy and cherry tomatoes

        Started Big Boy 120 cells of Big Boy tomatoes inside in cold frame

        Tags: Big Boy Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes


        • Administrator

          Ron Tucker 2021 Journal

          January 2, 2021 - Received new HOOMEDA three head red and blue LEDD grow light from Amazon. Cost was 24.99+    January 2, 2021 - Received 120 GROWNEER 4 inch plastic Plant Nursery Pots from Amazon. Cost 12.99 + tax. Works out about 12 cent a pot January 3, 2021 - Seed started ...

          Tags: Spring 2021, Better boys, Cherry Tomatoes, Seed Starting, Rutgers, Celebrity Hybrid

          Last updated