Tags: Better Bush, Better Boys, tomatoes, Marketmore cucumbers, Cajun Belle Bell Peppers
Last updated
Up Potted Better Boys, Cukes and Peppers
Up potted 11 Better Boys, 5 Marketmore Cucumbers and 2 Bell Peppers (from Jiffy Discs) The Better Boys were wispy and leggy, barely big with real leves. Probably too early but they looked as if they would go leggy and die otherwise. Still about 10 to go. The cukes were way too leggy. Almost...Tags: Better Boys, Marketmore cucumbers, California Wonder Bell Peppers, Up Potted
Up potted Better Boys and Marketmore
Only 6 of the Better Boys looked healthy and four of the CukesTags: Better Boy tomatoes, Marketmore Cucumbers, up potted
Tags: Celebration Tomatoes, Marketmore Cucumbers, California Wonder Bell Peppers
Last updated
Seed started 30 okra, 12 cucumbers
Started all with mix of potting soil and coir with few kernels of 13-13-13. Clemson spineless in 18 cell egg carton La Velvet in 12 cell egg carton Marketmore Cukes in 12 cell cupcake containerTags: seed start, Marketmore Cucumbers, Clemson Spineless Okra, Louisiana Green Velvet Okra
Marketmore Cucumbers germinating
CUkes from planting 03/01/20 germinatingTags: Marketmore Cucumbers, germinating
Tags: Marketmore Cucumbers, up potted
Tags: Marketmore Cucumbers
Last updated